Graham's Barber College is a higher education institution located in Dallas County, TX. N/A
Graham's Barber College is a higher education institution located in Dallas County, TX. N/A
This chart compares the average net price of Graham's Barber College (in red) with that of other similar universities.
Average net price is calculated from full-time beginning undergraduate students who were awarded a grant or scholarship from federal, state or local governments, or the institution.
Graham's Barber College had a total enrollment of 11 students in 2022. The full-time enrollment at Graham's Barber College is 11 students and the part-time enrollment is 0. This means that 100% of students enrolled at Graham's Barber College are enrolled full-time.
The enrolled student population at Graham's Barber College, both undergraduate and graduate, is 100% Black or African American.
Students enrolled at Graham's Barber College in full-time Undergraduate programs are most commonly Black or African American Male (90.9%), followed by Black or African American Female (9.09%).
The total enrollment at Graham's Barber College in 2022, both undergraduate and graduate, is 11 students. The full-time enrollment at Graham's Barber College is 11 and the part-time enrollment is 0.
This chart shows the full-time vs part-time enrollment status at Graham's Barber College (in red) compares to similar universities.
Retention rate measures the number of first-time students who began their studies the previous fall and returned to school the following fall. The retention rate for full-time undergraduates at Graham's Barber College was 75%.
This chart shows the retention rate over time at Graham's Barber College (highlighted in red) compares to similar universities.
The enrolled student population at Graham's Barber College is 100% Black or African American. This includes both full-time and part-time students as well as graduate and undergraduates.
In N/A, the most common N/A concentration at Graham's Barber College was N/A with N/A degrees awarded.
This visualization illustrates the percentage of degree-majors recipients from N/A programs at Graham's Barber College according to their major.